Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Everyone's Favorite Season

Oddly a lot of people's favorite season is summer. Why when fall is so much better?

True, in summer we have three months off from school and it’s the perfect time to go to the beach, but there are those days where it’s too hot to even go to the beach. The whether practically has mood swings between the nice days, rain or days where it’s to sticky to go outside.

During fall there are tons of things going on that make it much better than summer. Fall is really everyone’s favorite time of the year, but they just don’t like to admit it. The best part is, no doubt, when the leaves change color. It’s something that everyone needs to see in their lives because nothing in the world can even come close to being as amazing as a New England Fall. All the colors of the leaves are just magnificent. They truly show how gorgeous life is and how the seasons are unique times that deserve to be appreciated.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Fall is not my favorite season. But its good. lol

  3. I like fall a lot matt! i agree with your thinking!

  4. I like the thought behind it, but I think you could add more about the foliage. I.E, the colors of the leaves and other sensory details.

  5. I like how you started, such a firm opinion makes people want to continue to read
