Friday, September 30, 2011

Autumn Morning

I step outside, feeling the sting of the cold, harsh wind.

I look out in front of me and see my long drive way covered with leaves of every color. They are cold and crunchy, they break as I step on them. The sun breaks through the foggy, grey sky, providing minimum warmth. It’s cold, but I don’t mind, the harsh wind feels good as it blows against my skin, opening up my pores. The trees look almost dead, a few of the leaves have fallen off the trees, and the bark is a dark brown. The fog is hard to see through, it is especially thick today. It honestly reminds me of a ghostly horror story outside. I’m not scared though, those are my favorite kinds of days, I find them in a strange way relaxing and calming. I take a breath in, the cold air stings my throat but the cold smoky air coming out of my mouth looks cool, so it makes up for the stinging throat. I look forward to these types of Autumn mornings, though not very common, I know they will come again in the future.

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