Monday, September 26, 2011

#2. (Re-write Different Format)
Looking out into the morning fog I see nothing at all, knowing what is beyond the gray haze I simply walk the thin blazed trail and wait. I start my day early, approximately five in the morning with coffee and a walk into this cool surrounding fog. As I wait for the fog to disappear I realize I have reached my destination. I am high above everything I know, above the large trees, above the small vibrant town, above the red brick school, above my white colonial house, nothing matters but what I am waiting to see. Now I am met with vibrant colors, first a construction grade orange, then bumble bee yellow, and lastly a red. Explosions appearing from every direction. It is Autumn and I am experiencing a well known discovery of New England. It is later in the morning now, the fog has died and dried and I am left with a cushion of crunchy leaves to lead me back to my starting point. An average morning for one who takes the time to enjoy the wonders of a season that is often over-looked.

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