Monday, December 12, 2011

Harry's Thesis

The world is an ever-changing sphere that is made of ocean and landscape. Over the time of billions upon billions of years, the Earth has gone through lots of changes in climate, though either the extremes or the common. The Earth is and always has been an instigator and resulted effects on itself throughout the history of the planet's climate. Now we are starting to change its natural course.

Adam's thesis

Just because you have been to prison, in no way means you should be considered a threat to society. Every single person born into the world has the capability to do good; all we have to do is give them the chance.

Emma Bairstow thesis

While alcoholism has been an issue in America since society merely began, it has been questioned to be either a disease or a choice. Through all the history and research, it shows that alcoholism starts off as personal choice and later acts as a disease.

Jessie Marston Thesis

Runway models are what everyone strives to look like: Tall, thin and beautiful, leaving everyone wanting to be perfect, believing that nothing is quite good enough. Young people get brainwashed by runway model companies to believe that a size zero is the only size that is acceptable. So to achieve this goal, many models and some normal people unwittingly develop eating disorders.

Matt K's thesis

The war on terror seems unwinnable to a lot of Americans but it is truly anything but. Over the past couple of months the United States military has killed major leaders of the ruthless Taliban and al-Qaeda regimes.


Thesis: In America today everything has a value, including life. By placing a value on life and using our judicial system to put someones life in the hands of jury is not right. There are too many things that can go wrong to many factors that could lead to an innocent person to be killed by the government. When someone is put to death, on their death certificate the “homicide” box is checked: this means murder. As Ghandi said “ An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind”, it is irrefutable that the death penalty should not be a part of hour judicial system.


Every year thousands of immigrants migrate into the United States illegally. The question is not whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, but how to deal with it. The immigrants must be deported and the US must put more effort into stopping it.