Last night you fell asleep after the coldest, rainiest night you've seen since last spring. During the middle of the night you careen out of bed to find that hearty blanket you know will keep you warm. Surreal. As you lie in bed, listening for the trickling sounds of the rain tapping the roof, suddenly you realize the rain has stopped. The torrent has passed. This comforts you and finally you fall back to sleep.
Sun floods your eyes. The sun has risen and light seeps into your soul: a welcome change after a day of precipitation. You can hear the song birds chirping, preparing for the long journs in their near future. You toss on some clothing; its time to examine the results of yesterday's storm. Once outside you walk onto your lawn, immediately your shoes become saturated with the left over moisture, rejected by the soil. You look up and it hits you. The trees are almost bare, their leaves have been shed.

You now understand that fall has come and is almost gone. Every moment must be enjoyed, every color admired.
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